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Hello, and welcome to Oh Loverly Day Soap Co! We are a family owned and operated business out of Clear Creek, Oklahoma. We have a small farm with goats, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, dogs, cats, and five children to top it all off! After having an abundance of goat's milk for years, we decided to start making soap, and we haven’t stopped since.


We hope you love our products as much as we do, as we put our hearts into each and every one of them and use ingredients we are proud of. We have our own family and children in mind when we decide what to sell, and we hope that you get a little bit of old-fashioned, hand-crafted, home-made goodness with every single bar of soap!


Homemade soap is just better. We promise you products that are simple, beautiful, and hand-crafted, from our goat farm to you.


Want to see more soap videos? Follow us on Instagram @ohloverlydayfarm!

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